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ROBOT 8397
Velocity Vortex Robot
Our robot is made from TETRIX parts (made from aircraft grade aluminum). We have also 3-D printed wheels, 80-20 slide pieces, and 3-D printed 80-20 slide couplers. Our robot uses 4 onmi-directional wheels on 45 degree angles on the corners of the robot to allow us to drive any direction we want. This provides us the opportunity to capture beacons easily in the end game.
AUTONOMOUS MODE: Score particle in center vortex. Activate both beacons and knock ball off center pedestal. Park on pedestal
DRIVER CONTROL MODE: Score particles in center vortex.
ENG GAME: Cap big ball on center vortex. Claim the beacons.
Autonomous progarm
Converting to Anderson power poles
Fixing wire connections
Testing robot design
Autonomous run
Checking wire connections
Attaching the ball cradle
Fixing wheels
New shooter design
Make more paddles
Checking wheel drive
Linear slide work
Adding plexi-glass ramp
Beacon pushers added
Before cable management
Working on cable management
Continuing cable management
Aerial shot of robot
Wiring the robot
Making extension wires
Linear slide work
More cable management
Attaching all the cables
Measuring the robot
Wiring the sensors
Testing the robot
Stabilizing the shooter
Driving the robot
80/20 slide
Changing the motors
Working on the robot
Tighting the motors
Working on the 80/20's
Checking wire connections
Finishing the robot
Drilling holes
Testing Euphoria
Fixing wire problems
Fixing electrical problems
Fixing the sweeper
Cap-ball on lift
Chain-driving the sweeper
wire management
Cap-ball on lift
November 2016 BUILDS
Adam working on motor
Working on Beacon
Building second gen robot
Working on elevator
Attaching flat back to elevator
Reattaching elevator to robot
Working on shooting wheels
Working on Euphoria
Adding bicycle inner tube
Attaching wheels and changing motors
Working on ball slide
Evaluating design
Drawing design ideas
Working on scissor lift
Testing shooting capability
Testing 80/20s
Working on beacon pressing
Working on 80/20's
Working on top of robot
Working on linear slides
Wiring the robot
Making adjustments
Wire diagraming
Finishing ball ramp
3-D printed wheel (4")- ball shooter
Ball collector from inside
Robot with wheel shooters attached
Demonstrating shooting
Testing robot
Rigging up button pressers
Nick at work
Initial ball collector
Measuring the ball collector
Working on the ball collector
Building scissor lift
3-D Printer at work
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